Holy Hailstorms, Batman! ・゚✧

June 27, 2024. The prodigal daughter no one's been waiting for returns.

I'm here! I'm here! I swear I'm here!

Life has been chaos and a half, I’ve booked 110% of my waking hours, but I AM regularly thinking about this blog and the three thousand fun things I’m planning to do with it.

Don’t worry - I’ve had fantastic fun in the midst of the swarm. Honestly… I like swarms, and not just swarms of lizards*. Arranging my life to be busy is like giving myself a high-speed game. How competent can I be while bowling through activities? Band rehearsals and weekend events and volunteering and game nights and extra job contracts and trips and crafts and conventions and gardens and everything else under the sun! It gives me goals, things to doggedly attack, a sense of personal badassery. It makes my mind and body come alive. It’s a thrill.

Well, mostly a thrill. I’ve got errands involving hail damage, now, because apple-sized hail decided to make an appearance last Monday. The siding to everyone’s houses looks like someone used their walls for a shotgun party - a shootenanny, if you will**. My new-for-me car (bought used so I could have a CD player - essential resource) sports an artist array of dents, cracks, and cracked glass. SooOoOoO there’s that.

But country music collecting and enthusiasm, while it hasn’t made it onto the interwebz, remains in full force. I got my favorite Al Jones (who recently passed, rest in peace) 45 single. For Lester Flatt’s 110th birthday, I managed to snag his long-out-of-print written-by-friends biography YEAAAAH - and, like, I’ve been trying to buy a copy for four years. I preordered a ***NEW 78 RPM BLUEGRASS RECORD***, as in, like, NEW, coming out in 2024, ya’ll, of which there’ll only be 30 copies sold in the world! I don't care about the scarcity, but I am stoked to put an Actually New 78 rpm on my player. So there’ve been good times.

I wanted to give y’all a quick update. I have had a whole Musical Character Arc in the last three months, though I’ll leave that for the following post. B-)

* This is a Futurama reference, for those uncultured folks.

** Come on, laugh, that pun was hilarious.